Thermal Flow Sensors and
Thermal Conductivity Sensors for Fuel Cell Applications
Xiangzheng Tu
A fuel
cell generates electricity by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. It is
different from a battery in that it requires a continuous source of hydrogen
and oxygen to sustain the chemical reaction, whereas in a buttery the chemicals
to be reacted for generating electricity are stored in the buttery. The fuel
cell can produce electricity continuously for as long as these inputs are
cell cars have been on the road for many years. The first commercial fuel cell cars
are being sold in California by Toyota . Fuel cells are
being developed and tested in buses, boats, motorcycles and bicycles, among
other kinds of vehicles. Fuel cells have many more applications including
portable generators, battery replacements, residential back power, and so on.
shown in the above picture, the heart of the fuel cell is the polymer
electrolyte membrane. It is sandwiched by the anode layer and the cathode
layer. At the anode layer, the input hydrogen is converted into the hydrogen
ions and the electrons. The hydrogen ions are transferred to the cathode
through the conductor and the electrons are transferred through the outer
circuit. At the cathode the transferred hydrogen ions together with the
transferred electrons and the oxygen of the input air react to produce the water
vapor. The water vapor is carried away by the unused input air.
can be seen that in order to regulate the chemical reaction of the fuel cell
the amount of the reacted hydrogen, the reacted oxygen and the produced water vapor
should be measured in real-time. The fuel cell converts chemical energy into
electrical energy and also, as a by-product of this process, into heat energy.
This makes capacitive and resistive humidity sensors no useful for measuring
the water vapor. Fortunately, POSIFA Microsystems provide thermal conductivity humidity
sensors with greater resolution at higher temperature. It measures the absolute
humidity by quantifying the difference in thermal conductivity of the input air
and the output air containing water vapor. The accuracy of the sensors can
reach at least +3 g/m3; this converts to about ±5% RH at 40°C and ±0.5% RH at
100°C. It is worth to note that the unused hydrogen also contains water vapor,
which moves through the polymer electrolyte membrane from cathode to anode by
diffusion. Similarly, the absolute humidity in the unused hydrogen can be
measure by quantifying the difference in thermal conductivity of the input
hydrogen and the unused hydrogen containing water vapor.
thermal flow sensors provided by POSIFA Microsystems have been used for fuel
cells successfully. The sensor consists of a heater and two symmetric thermopiles positioned on
a porous silicon membrane. The heater is made of polysilicon, whereas the thermopiles are
made from a combination of polysilicon and aluminum. The sensor is operated by
a constant power circuit which provides constant power to the heater during the
measurement. Power consumption and response time of the sensor are 30mW and
5ms, respectively. The noise of the sensor is very low and has the same amount
of the noise as the equivalent resistor of the thermopile.
rate and humidity are critical parameters associated with the performance of
fuel cells. The product of the chemical reaction that proceeds in a fuel cell
is water, which lowers the working efficiency of the cell and affects the fuel
flow rate. With POSIFA thermal conductivity sensors any water vapor flooding in
the fuel cell can be diagnosed easily and correctly. When the chemical reaction
is not balanced well a microcontroller can modify the hydrogen flow rate and
air flow rate automatically, which is based on the data collected by the
thermal flow sensors. It should be no doubt that POSIFA flow sensors and POSIFA
thermal conductivity sensors is a powerful combine for promoting fuel cell applications
in fuel cars, fuel boats, fuel smart phones, etc.