Wireless Spirometers Based on Integrated
Thermal Flow Sensors
Reference to the above figure, in combination with a smart
phone a spirometer is used to generate a flow-volume loop for a man who is
required to measure his forced vital capacity.
As shown in the graph on the screen of the smart phone, a
normal flow-volume loop begins on the x-axis (volume axis): at the start of the
test both flow and volume are equal to zero. After the starting point the curve
rapidly mounts to a peak: peak (expiratory) flow.
After the forced expiratory volume
in one second (PEF) the curve descends as more air is expired. A normal,
non-pathological F/V loop will descend in a straight or a convex line from top of PEF to bottom of forced vital
capacity (FVC). The forced inspiration that follows the forced
expiration has roughly the same morphology, but the peak inspiratory flow (PIF)
is not as distinct as PEF.
The flow-volume loop can take on many
distinguishable shapes that correspond to a certain type of pathology. Using the
flow-volume loop displayed by the smart phone, the following pathologies can be
easily and correctly diagnosed.
- normal spirometry,
- pathological
- obstructive
lung disease,
- restrictive
lung disease,
- mixed lung disease,
- obstruction
of the large airways,
- exercise induced asthma.
The spirometer in the above figure
utilizes an integrated thermal flow sensor provided by POSIFA Microsystems,
which is a famous MEMS company located in Silicon Valley in the United States. The integrated thermal flow sensors exhibit short response
time (1ms), low power consumption (30mw), and high accuracy (0.5%). It
represents an attractive solution for portable spirometers in home-care
The spirometer further consists of
a CC2650 ultra-low
power wireless MCU, which can provide a wireless connectivity
solution supporting multiple standards to enable faster internet designs.
With this device the spirometer can be managed being small, inexpensive and up to years of
battery life.
The smart phone
is not only to visualize a flow-volume loop based on the data send by the spirometer,
but also connect the spirometer to the cloud. The cloud is a great
place to back things up, because the spirometer has limited storage and unreliable
flash memory. Plus, the spirometer could get lost, damaged, or stolen. The
cloud is great for data processing because processing in the cloud reduces
the load on the microprocessor. This saves power and might reduce the performance
requirements of the microprocessor. Furthermore, data that is already in the
cloud can be shared quickly and easily by many users.
The flow-volume loop is a remarkably versatile and
informative measurement, which can identify a range of diseases including chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
COLD is a type of obstructive lung disease characterized by chronically poor airflow. It
typically worsens over time. The main symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and sputum production. Most people with chronic bronchitis have
COPD. Used together with other clinical features, the flow-volume
loop can substantially improve assessment of the patient and their long-term
Worldwide, COPD
affects 329 million people or nearly 5% of the population.[6] In 2013, it resulted in 2.9 million
deaths up from 2.4 million deaths in 1990. The number of deaths is projected to
increase due to higher smoking rates and an aging population in many countries.[8] It resulted in an estimated economic
cost of $2.1 trillion in 2010.