Smart Phone Compatible Thermal Conductivity
Carbon Dioxide and Humidity Sensors
A smart phone sensor has built-in
more and more sensors to gather all kinds of data on who we are, what we are
doing, and the world around us. Any sensors used in smart phones should be miniaturization,
low power consumption, fast response, high accuracy, high reliability, and low
cost. Micromachined thermal conductivity sensors provided by POSIFA can meet
all these requirements. It has been used for hydrogen, vacuum, and methane
measurement, and exhibited very high performance.
device is fabricated with CMOS compatible micromachining processes. The sensor
structure consists of a hot plate suspending over a cavity. A platinum resistor
is located on the hot plate, which acts as both a heater and a temperature
sensor. The sensor chip is installed in a metal casing using a high thermal
conductivity epoxy adhesive. A metal mesh disposed on the metal casing provides
gas exchange with the surrounding atmosphere. A photo graph of the encapsulated
sensor can be seen in the above figure.
thermal conductivity sensor measurement circuit is shown in the following
figure. The circuit consists of two thermal conductivity sensors: a measurement
sensor and a reference sensor, in which the measurement sensor is used for
measuring the mixture gas containing air, carbon dioxide, and water vapor (humidity),
and the reference sensor is sealed and used for canceling the signal generated
by the pure air and the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. The heaters
of the sensors are heated by two DAC respectively, which are provided by a precision
analog microcontroller such as ADuC7019/20 or the like. The differential
voltage of the two sensor output is amplified by a chopper stabilized
zero-drift operational amplifier, such as TP5554-TR. When zeroing, the
measurement sensor is immersed in a reference air, the output of the two
sensors will be the same and the output of the amplifier will be zero. When the
measurement sensor is immersed in the mixture air containing carbon dioxide and
water vapor, the output of the amplifier will correlate to the concentrations
of the carbon dioxide and water vapor.
working principle of the thermal conductivity sensor is easy to understand. It senses
change of the thermal conductivity of a mixture
air consisting of air, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, and compares it to the
thermal conductivity of reference pure air. Since both carbon dioxide and water
vapor have a thermal conductivity less than the thermal conductivity of a pure
air, the thermal conductivity of the mixture air will be low containing carbon
dioxide and a detectable signal will be produced.
to Wassiljewa equation and empirical measurements, at fixed temperature t1,
a linear equation can be used for calibration and calculation of the
concentration of each composition gas of a mixture air, which can shown as the follows:
y(t1) = a(t1)air+a(t1)carNcar+a(t1)waterNwater. (1)
this equation (1), y is the output of the sensor response; a(t1)air
is a bias term, Ncar and Nwater are the carbon
dioxide and water vapor concentrations, and a(t1)car and a(t1)water
are the coefficients sensitive to carbon dioxide and water vapor
concentrations. The output is expressed in the unit of volt, and so are the
coefficients, a(t1)car and a(t1)water,
while the concentrations Ncar and Nwater are expressed as
molar fractions. The equation (1) has two degrees of freedom, so Ncar
+ Nwater + Nair = 1, where Nair is the air
coefficients a(t1)air, a(t1)car, a(t1)water
can be obtained by measurement of several precision calibration sample mixtures. The
data collected by the sensors can be processed using partial least squares
(PLS). It has been shown that PLS can produce proper coefficient.
It should
be noticed that Ncar and Nwater are two
independent variables. It is impossible to find two variables by solving a
single linear equation. Another similar linear equation (2) at
fixed temperature t2 needs to be built as
y(t2) = a(t2)air+a(t2)carNcar+a(t2)waterNwater. (2)
this equation the coefficients a(t2)air, a(t2)car,
a(t2)water are different from the above similar
coefficients, while Ncar and Nwater are the same. Based
on the measured data collected by the thermal conductivity sensors, both Ncar
and Nwater can be calculated by solving the equation (1) and
equation (2).