Tracking Hummingbirds Using Thermal Moving Velocity Sensor
Tu Xiang Zheng
many years the only way to track wildlife was to simply follow and observe the
movement and habits of an animal or to capture an animal and put a tag on it
and hope that at sometime in the future that same animal would be recaptured.
Today, scientists have new tools to help them to track a wide variety of
animals, from butterflies to great white sharks, in order to study how they use
their environment, which foods are important and to gain insights into behavior
and condition of the creatures as well as to identify key breeding areas that
may need protection.
are three types of radio tracking systems available today: VHF Radio
Tracking, Satellite Tracking and Global Positioning System (GPS)
Tracking. But for tracking small animals these technologies are helpless because
the transmitters used are so large and heavy. Today, scientists are working on
ways to make the tracking devices smaller. Among them are MEMS wireless sensing
systems. MEMS technology is enabling the development of inexpensive, autonomous
wireless sensors with volumes ranging down to cubic mm. Combination with miniaturized battery
technology is making it possible to check even the smallest birds and insects.
this paper we describe tracking hummingbird using a thermal moving velocity
sensor and a thermal wind sensor. As shown in Fig.1, a Bluetooth thermal moving
velocity sensor tag is attached to a hummingbird and a smart phone with a
thermal wind sensor is hold by an observer. When the hummingbird is flying in
the space the plane projection of the hummingbird flying path will display on
the screen of the smart phone. The tracking range can reach 100 meters using
class 1 smart phone. Technically it's possible to boost the Bluetooth range
over 1000 meters, as some vendors suggest.
thermal moving velocity sensor includes 12 sensing units each consisting of a
heater and a thermopile, which are centro-symmetrically arranged on a silicon
substrate. Two opposite units are configured as a pair for measuring a moving
velocity component in this direction. So the whole sensor can measure 6
different directional velocity components and each two measured adjacent velocity
components are 45 degree in angel. The structure of the thermal wind sensor is
similar to the thermal moving velocity sensor. An only difference is that the
sensing unit number of the thermal wind sensor is 4 instead of 6. The thermal
wind sensor can measure 4 different wind components respectively in x and y
directions. The measured data by the thermal moving velocity sensor and thermal
wind sensor are collected and processed by the smart phone.
to Fig. 2, it is more detail to explain the working principle of tracking
hummingbird using the thermal moving velocity sensor and thermal wind sensor. As
can be seen, a moving plane coordinate system is set on the hummingbird with a
thermal moving velocity sensor and a reference plane coordinate system is set
on the ground with a thermal wind sensor and a smart phone.
the thermal moving velocity sensor the following equations can be formed according
to basic trigonometric formulas:
Vyh = u + ν cos α, (1)
V45degree = u cos 450 + (v cos α) cos 450, (2)
V xh = ν sin α (3)
α = arcsin (Vxh /υ) (4)
u is the velocity of the hummingbird, v is the velocity of the natural wind and
α is the incident wind angle, which are relative to the moving plane coordinate
system. This is a system of ternary linear equations. The values of the three
variables u, v and α can be obtained by substituting the measured values of Vyh,
V45degree and Vxh
and cos 450 = 0.525 into the system, and solving the system.
the thermal wind sensor, the following equations can be formed according to
basic trigonometric formulas:
Vyw = ν cos θ (5)
Vxw = ν sin θ (6)
θ = arctan (Vyw/Vxw) (7)
v is the velocity of the natural wind and θ is the incident wind angle, which
are relative to the ground plane coordinate system.
should be understood that the measured value of the natural wind velocity in
the ground plane coordinate system is the same as the measured value in the
moving plane coordinate system. But the wind incident angle is different in the
two plane coordinates. This means that the incident angle α in the moving plane
coordinate system is replaced by the incident angle θ in the ground plane coordinate
to Cartesian coordinate system conversion, the following equations are
yg = xh sin
(θ - α) + yh cos (θ - α) (8)
xg = xh cos
(θ - α) + yh sin (θ - α) (9)
the moving plane coordinate system can be translated to the ground coordinate
system by clockwise rotation of (θ - α) degrees. After translation the data
collected by the thermal moving velocity sensor can be used to calculate the
velocity, flying path and moving range of the hummingbird, which are relative
to the ground plane coordinate system.
This tracking technology can help determine exactly where a
hummingbird is at any moment in time and often what that animal is doing. Using
the data collected from a thermal moving velocity sensor, scientists can
determine the day-to-day movements of a hummingbird, the size of a hummingbird's
home range, what other animals share an animal's range and the types of
habitats a hummingbird uses. By analyzing all this data, scientists can learn
new ways to help control hummingbird populations,
determine what impact development might have on a hummingbird population, and
determine if there are enough individuals of a particular species in an area to
allow for reproduction.