Natural Gas Calorific
Meter with Two MEMS Sensors
As shown in the above figure, a MEMS natural gas calorific
meter mainly comprises a MEMS thermal flow sensor and a MEMS thermal
conductivity sensor. The thermal flow sensor measures natural gas mass flow
rate. Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture, consisting of methane,
ethane, propane and nitrogen. The thermal conductivity sensor measures the mole
percentage of methane, ethane, propane and nitrogen in the natural gas flow. With
the measured mass flow rate and each composition mole percentage the calorific
flow rate and total calorific value displayed on the smart phone in the above
figure can be calculated.
With the state-of-the-art electronics for the signal
process, MEMS natural gas calorific meters have extended dynamic range,
enhanced data safety and are easy for network and remote data transmission.
They have automatic temperature and pressure compensation and directly provide calorific
value. As the MEMS sensor is miniature, the sensor assembly including the
electronic control board can be designed into a compact form that is
substantially smaller than the mechanical counterpart. This could benefit for
the reduction of the cost not only in manufacture but for overall gas
distribution management.
The composition of natural gas can be determined based on the
fact that the temperature curve of the thermal conductivity coefficient is
unique for each natural gas mixture, but highly correlated. A multiple linear
regression can be used to model the relationship
between two or more explanatory variables and a response variable by fitting a
linear equation to observed data. The model can be expressed as:
Y = β0 + β1
xEthane + β2 xPropone +β3 xNitrigen
xMethane + xEthane
+ xPropone + xNitrigen=
1 (2)
Where Y is the sensor signal output, β0, β1, β2, β3 are the parameters of the regression equation, and xMethane, xEthane, xPropone , xNitrigen are each component
mole fraction of natural gas.
These equations describe how the mean response Y changes with the explanatory variables.
The observed values for Y vary about their means y
and are assumed to have the same standard deviation σ.
The fitted values estimate the parameters β0,
β1, β2, β3 of the
regression equations. Since the observed values for y vary
about their means Y,
the multiple regression models include a term for this variation. In words, the
model is expressed as DATA = FIT +
RESIDUAL, where the "FIT"
term represents the expression β0 +
β1 xEthane + β2 xPropone +β3 xNitrigen
. The "RESIDUAL" term
represents the deviations of the observed values y from
their means Y, which are normally distributed with
mean 0 and variance σ. The notation for the
model deviations is ɛ.
The thermal conductivity sensor is excited using three
voltage steps V1, V2,
V3, resulting in three different operation temperatures. Each
operation temperature or driving voltage results a multiple linear regression
as follows:
Yv1 = β0v1
+ β1v1 xEthane + β2v1 xPropone +β3v1
xNitrigen (3)
Yv2 = β0v2
+ β1v2 xEthane + β2v2 xPropone +β3v2
xNitrigen (4)
Yv3 = β0v3
+ β1v3 xEthane + β2v3 xPropone +β3v3
xNitrigen (5)
With measured Yv1, Yv2, Yv3, and estimated
parameters β0v1……β3v3,
the composition mole percentage of a natural gas coming from different sources can
be determined in this way: First the sensor is excited by the three voltage
steps V1, V2,
V3 and each results a sensor signal outputs;
Then the three equations can be
obtained for each exciting voltage;
Finally the equations are solved
to find each mole fraction of the measured natural gas.
The calorific value of natural gas
can be further calculated using the above measured data as flows:
Calorific flow rate =
(ṁ GMethane) (HVMethane)
+ (ṁG ethane2)
(HVEthane) + (ṁ GPropone) (HVPropone) (6)
GMethane = MWMethne
xMethane / (MWMethne xMethane +MWEthane
+MWPropone xPropone +MWNitrigen xNtrigen ) (7)
GMethane = MWEthane xEthane/ (MWMethne xMethane +MWEthane xEthane
+MWPropone xPropone +MWNitrigen xNtrigen ) (8)
GMethane =
MWMethne xMethane /
(MWMethne xMethane +MWEthane
+MWPropone xPropone +MWNitrigen xNtrigen )
Where: ṁ =
mass flow rate measured by the thermal mass flow sensor, in b/min
HVn =
heating value of gas component n, in BTU/SCF
xn = mole fraction of gas component n. The table below contains the list of individual component LHV & HHV.
xn = mole fraction of gas component n. The table below contains the list of individual component LHV & HHV.
MW = Molecular
weight of gas component n.
The higher heating value (HHV) refers to a condition in
which the water is condensed out of the combustion products. The higher
heating value includes the sensible heat and latent heat of vaporization
especially for water. In other words, HHV assumes all the water component
is in liquid state at the end of combustion.
The lower heating value (LHV), on the other hand refers
to the condition in which water in the final combustion products remains as
vapor (or steam); i.e. the steam is not condensed into liquid water and thus
the latent heat is not accounted for. The LHV assumes that the
latent heat of vaporization of water in the fuel and the reaction products is
not recovered.
Hi : wondering if you can share the manufacturer of the thermal conductivity sensor that you used. Thanks.