MEMS Infrared Emitters
Xiang Zheng Tu
Infrared thermal emitters can
be approximated as black body radiation, which is the type of electromagnetic
radiation. The radiation has a specific spectrum and intensity that
depends only on the temperature of the emitters. An emitter at room temperature appears black, as most of
the energy it radiates is infra-red and cannot
be perceived by the human eye. When it becomes a little hotter,
it appears dull red. As its temperature increases further it eventually becomes
POSIFA Microsystems Company has developed a new generation of
MEMS infrared emitters that form its hot-heater based thermal flow sensors and thermal
conductivity sensors. Proprietary advanced porous silicon technology combined
with silicon processing result in the highest performance MEMS infrared emitters.
The MEMS infrared emitter consists of a resistive thin film
platinum based heater which is positioned on a free standing thin-film stack membrane, and allows the heater to operate
continuously and reliably at a higher temperature. The freestanding thin-film
stack membrane thermally and electrically isolates the heater from the silicon
substrate, and reduces the power consumption of the heater. In addition, the
membrane has low thermal mass so that the heater is easy to modulate. The rise
time of the heater is as low as 5 ms, indicating the frequency of driving pulse
voltage can be up to 100 Hz.
As shown in the above figure, when the MEMS infrared emitter
is operated at 300 k, the produced infrared spectrum range can be from 2 to 20 µm.
This is mid-infrared spectral region containing strong characteristic
vibrational transitions of many important molecules as well as two atmospheric
transmission windows of 3-5 μm and 8-13 μm, which makes it crucial for
applications in spectroscopy, materials processing, chemical and biomolecular
sensing, security and industry.
The MEMS infrared emitters have many industrial applications
- Medical (CO2 / other gases monitoring, breath /vapor analyzing),
- Military / Law Enforcement,
- Automotive / Transportation (breath alcohol testing / exhaust monitoring)
- Aerospace (calibration systems, image sensing),
- HVAC (demand controlled ventilation, refrigerant monitoring), and
- Safety / Industrial / Environment Control (combustion gas analyzers, gas detection, air pollution).
In the above figure the key components of an infrared
greenhouse gases measurement system are infrared emitter, measurement chamber,
interference filter, and infrared detector. Infrared radiation is directed from
the infrared emitter through the measured greenhouse gases to the infrared detector.
An interference filter located in front of the detector prevents wavelengths
other than that specific to the measured gases from passing through to the
detector. POSIFA Microsystems Company can provide not only infrared emitters,
but also interference filters and infrared detectors. The interference filter
is made of multi porous silicon layers and the infrared detectors are
thermopile type.