Optimized Design of Water Laminar Flow Sensor Tubes
Xiang Zheng Tu
POSIFA’s water laminar flow
sensors use the thermal properties of water to measure the flow of water
flowing in a tube. The water laminar flow sensors are structured to comprise of
a thermal insulated base created in a silicon substrate, a long stripe polysilicon
resistor as a heater disposed at the central region of the base, and two
thermopiles with their hot junctions along the two sides of the heater and cold
junctions disposed on the base surrounding region of the silicon substrate. A
constant amount of heat is applied to the heater of the sensor. Some of this
heat is lost to the flowing water. As flow rate increases, more heat is lost.
The amount of heat lost is sensed by the thermopiles of the sensor. The output
signal of the thermopiles is used to determine water flow rate based on the
convection heat of the water flowing over the sensor.
A sensor chip is assumed to
be mounted on the wall of a tube in such way that the water flowing
perpendicularly to the long stripe polysilicon resistor and one thermopile is
located up stream and the other thermopile is located down stream. The water
flow is required to be completely developed which means the laminar flow can be
considered as the relative motion of a set of concentric cylinders of fluid,
the outside one fixed at the surface of the sensor chip and the others moving
at increasing speeds as the centre of the tube is approached. The resulted forced convection heat transfer can be described by Newton ’s Law of Cooling as
Ǭ = hA(Ts –
Tf ) (1)
The rate of heat Ǭ transferred to the surrounding water
is propotional to the sensor chip exposed area A, and the difference between the polysilicon resistor surface temperature
Ts and the water free
stream temperature Tw. The
constant of proportionality h is
termed the convection heat transfer coefficient, which is given by:
h = Nu κw / l (2)
Where l is the characteristic length, Nu is the Nusselt number and κw is the thermal
conductivity coefficient of water. l is
the effective diameter of the tube which is defined as:
l = 4A/P (3)
with A the flow cross sectional area, and P the perimeter, respectively. The Nusselt number has been
calculated by Gianchandan et al as
Nu = 0.664 Re1/2 Pr1/3 (4)
Where Re is Reynolds number and Pr
is Prandtl number. Since Re= lv/υ and
Pr = υ/α, the equation (4) can be
expressed as
Nu = 0.664(lv/υ)1/2(υ/α)1/3
Where v is the average velocity of water flow, υ is the kinematic viscosity of water and α is the thermal diffusivity of water.
Replacing equations (2) and (5) into equation
(1) results in the expression as
Ǭ = 0.664(lv/υ)1/2(υ/α)1/3A(Ts–Tf
)/l (6)
In this expression Ǭ can be measured by the thermopiles of
the sensor as output voltage, v is required to be determined by the measured
output voltage and all other parameters can be obtained from available physical
and chemical data base.
A laminar water flow needs
some length of tube to fully develop the velocity profile after passing through
components like bends, valves, pumps, and turbines or similar. The entrance
length can be expressed with the dimensionless Entrance Length
Number as
El = le / d
El = Entrance Length
Le = length
to fully developed velocity profile (m, ft)
d = tube or duct
diameter (m, ft)
The Entrance
length number correlates with the Reynolds Number and for laminar flow the relation can be expressed as:
Ellaminar = 0.06 Re
The water flow is
laminar when Re < 2300. Reynolds Number and Entrance Length for
one liter of water at approximately 200 C flowing through tubes of
different dimensions:
Note that the
water viscosity varies with temperature. The kinematic viscosity of water at 200C
used to calculate the table above is 1.004 x106m2/s.
At 00C
the kinematic viscosity is 1.787 x 10-6m2/s the Reynolds
values in the table above must be multiplicated with 1.004/1.787 = 0.56. At 1000C
the kinematic viscosity is 0.29x10-6m2/s the values in
the table above must be multiplicated with 1.004/0.29 =3.46.
As shown in the
table above, the long entrance lengths are not accepted for the most
applications of the POSIFA’s water laminar flow sensors, such as coffee makers
and drinking water dispensers. In order
to short the entrance lengths a laminar flow device (element) is required to
place in the entrance region of the tube. The laminar flow device creates the
flow of water to be laminar or restricts the water to be flow as laminar flow
before flowing into the laminar flow developed region of the tube. The device typically utilizes a material which has
randomly-arranged Capillaries for dividing the velocity components of the
incoming fluid stream into smaller components. Some of the velocity components
cancel each other thereby presenting a more uniform velocity profile, reducing
the turbulence of the fluid, and allowing laminar flow at higher flow rates
than would otherwise be possible.
The developed laminar flow
region of the tube comprises a plurality of narrow passageways along the flow
path. The flow sensor is incorporated one of the narrow passageways. It is
proffered that the narrow passageways have two plane parallel surfaces where
the width is much greater than the space between the plates than the
characteristic dimension is equal to the distance between the plates. In this
way the main flow is split among all of them obtaining, as a result, a reduced
Reynolds number. To help in this reduction, very often the sum of the
cross-sectional area of all capillaries is larger than the main tube
cross-sectional area.
To facilitate measurement and
control of larger flow rates, a bypass version of the water flow sensor was
developed. The bypass flow sensor is comprised of a capillary sensor tube
connected to the main flow tube as a shunt line. The sensor tube usually has
inside diameter less than 3 mm so that the sensor is operated in the laminar
flow region over its full operating range. The flow in the main tube is
inferred by measuring the flow in a small bypass tube using the flow sensor.
The main flow in the large tube can be estimated from the previously determined
ratio of main flow to bypass flow. The diameter of the main tube can be as
larger as 20 or 30 mm. In these cases the water flow will transition from
laminar to turbulent flow. In turbulent flow the speed of the fluid
at a point is continuously undergoing changes in both magnitude and direction
but the average velocity is still in flow direction.