Water Flow Sensors
with Wide Range of laminar Flow Rate
Xiang Zheng Tu
The thermal flow sensors provided
by POSIFA Microsystems Company are based on the linear relationship between the
fluid flow rate and temperature difference dependence voltage or thermoelectric
effect. The criteria for the operation of the sensors are to create and
maintain laminar flow through the sensitive surface of the sensors.
Osborne Reynolds in 1883 proposed a concept relating to
fluid flow properties through pipes of different diameter as well as the
determination of boundary layers where the transition between laminar flow to
turbulent flow occurs. The regimes where laminar or turbulent flow prevails are
prescribed by a dimensionless parameter known as the Reynolds number, defined
Re = ρ u L / μ = u L / υ
u is the average velocity of
the fluid with respect to the object (m/s)
L is a characteristic length
The characteristic length can be calculated with the generic
equation as
dh = 4 A /
dh = hydraulic diameter (m)
A = area section of the duct or pipe (m2)
p = "wetted" perimeter of the duct or pipe (m)
Based on equation (2) the characteristic length of
a circular duct can be expressed as:
dh = 4 π r2 / 2
π r = 2 r
r = pipe or duct inside radius (m)
d = pipe or duct inside diameter (m)
As expect the hydraulic diameter of a standard circular tube
or duct is the inner diameter or two times the inner radius.
Based on equation (2) the characteristic length of
an annulus duct or tube with an inside duct or tube can be expressed as
dh = 4 (π ro2 - π ri2)
/ (2 π ro + 2 π ri) = 2 (ro - ri)
ro = inside radius of the outside tube (m)
ri = outside radius of the inside tube (m)
Based on equation (2) the characteristic length of
a rectangular duct or pipe with very length width can be calculated as
dh = 4 a b / 2 (a + b) = 2 a
a = height of the duct (m)
b = width of the duct (m)
b >> a
Generally, laminar flow occurs at Reynolds numbers of less
than 2,000, but in practice Reynolds numbers of less than 1,000 are used to
ensure laminar flow under all conditions (e.g., viscosity and density
variations with temperature).
As can be seen from the above equations:
- The laminar flow rate of the circular duct or tube is only limited by the Reynolds number.
- The laminar flow rate of the annular duct or tube can be extended by increasing the radius of inside tube and outside tube simultaneously without changing the Reynolds number.
- The laminar flow rate of the rectangular duct or tube can be extended by increasing the width of the rectangular duct or tube without changing the Reynolds number.
POSIFA Microsystems preferred rectangular duct or tube. The
following water flow ranges are available:
- 0 – 10 mL / min for medical application
- 0 – 40 mL / min for medical application
- 0 – 120 mL / min for medical application
- 0 – 1000 mL / min for Coffee Makers
- 0 – 3000 mL / min for Water Dispensers
- 0 – 10 L / min for Liquid Cooling CPU Systems