Heating Temperature Accuracy
Control for Unburned Cigarettes Based on POSIFA’s Thermal Flow Sensors
Xiang Zheng Tu
Unburned cigarettes are becoming popular because they have
been proved to reduce the health risks significantly. It has been shown that
when shredded tobacco sample is heated at 10 0C rate in nitrogen its
weight loss curve delineates four regions: region I (30-1200C),
related to the evaporation of water absorbed in the sample; region II (120-2500C),
related to the emission of acetaldehyde, carbon dioxide, nicotine, and water;
region III (250-3700C), related to the emission of acetaldehyde,
carbon dioxide, nicotine, and more water; and region IV (370-5500C),
related to the emission of more carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
A nicotine emission rate curve for
the shredded tobacco sample is shown in the above figure. As can be seen, nicotine
vapor is limited to form in the heating temperature range of 175 to 3500C.
Since in this temperature range the tobacco is only heated but not burned it is
impossible for the tobacco to emit any harmful chemicals such as CO, NO and NOx.
At the heart of any unburned cigarette is a sophisticated electronic
controller. With such a controller the temperature of the heater is controlled
just in the predetermined range.
Again reference to the above figure an electronic controller
is designed based on a POSIFA’s thermal flow sensor. The thermal water flow
sensor is made up of two thermopiles and operated in conjunction with a
resistive heater element for thermoelectric sensing. The mass flow rate of air passing
through the thermal flow sensor is calculated on the basis of the measured
temperature difference between the hot and cold junctions of the thermopile, and
the thermal conductivity coefficient, electric heat rate and specific heat of air.
For air flow rate measurement the house of the unburned
cigarette is selected to be a bypass configuration which has a main line and a
bypass line. The thermal flow sensor is installed in the bypass line. The flow
ration between the main line and the bypass line is determined in advance. Then
the flow rate of the main line can be calculated by measuring the flow rate in
the bypass line by the thermal flow sensor.
The output of the thermal flow sensor is sent to a microcontroller
for digital processing and converted into a PWM signal used to modulate a
heating voltage for heating the heater of the cigarette. The microcontroller
also processes the output of a temperature sensor which is used to monitor the
heated heater. The microcontroller is operated with a program so that the heater
is heated up to 175 to 350°C, while monitoring the temperature to ensure a
consistent taste experience for user and to avoid burning. It also has an
over-heating protection function, which turns itself off if necessary.
In a traditional unburned cigarette a puff at 120 s usually
create a sudden and significant temperature drop due to the cooling effect by
incoming air. This temperature drop by puffing became less significant with the
thermal flow sensor based microcontroller. This is because the longer puff can
be detected by the thermal flow sensor and feedback to the microcontroller for
providing higher heating voltage. Since any puff can be detected by the thermal
flow sensor the switch function for applying electric power can be replaced by
the puff itself. And the heating temperature also can be increased according to
the strength of the puff so that the used more enjoy
the real taste of the unburned cigarettes.